Thursday 25th November, 2021 marked an important moment for the Love Over Everything initiative- The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
This day put all attention on what we have been building conversations around since Mother’s Day 2021 where it all began. To mark the occasion, over 1600 Associated Brands’ employees across Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica and Barbados wore orange to show:
As a company, Associated Brands believes in the importance of encouraging our communities to teach our young boys, and girls, about the harm that gender-based violence causes. The company also wants to remind all genders that conflict is inevitable, but violence is a choice. Choosing to take a more positive approach to conflict can help break this vicious cycle of violence and lead to much better outcomes for our region.
In a pledge of support, Associated Brands has made contributions to organizations across the region, such as the Rape Crisis Society of Trinidad and Tobago and Eve for Life Jamaica, which dedicate their work to providing much needed support and rehabilitation to survivors of gender-based violence.
In Trinidad and Tobago, as at 29th September 2021, the Rape Crisis Society had a waiting list of 264 persons waiting to speak to a therapist to begin their restorative journey. Of those 264 persons, 110 were children. Your donation could go towards employing more therapists and resources to help to bring the number on that waiting list down.
In Jamaica, Eve for Life champions for a world in which the sexual health and rights of young women and girls are protected and upheld. The organization provides much needed services and programmes across Jamaica to support survivors of gender-based violence, including The Ashley Fund. Through The Ashley Fund, Eve for Life provides much needed support to young women to continue their education, learn a skill, start income generating projects and/or assistance to move out of abusive situations.
For more information on how you can support this movement & donate to these organizations to support survivors of gender-based violence, please visit .